رياض الصالحين

by Zine H



The book includes 1903 narrated hadiths, content with the text, without mentioning the chain of transmission, beginning with the companion, and with the follower rarely. Al-Nawawi said about his book: “So I thought that I should compile a summary of the authentic hadiths and adhere to it to mention only a sound hadith from the clear ones in addition to the well-known authentic books.” A number of contemporaries verified it, and they weakened some of the hadiths in Riyadh, including Sheikh Al-Albani and Al-Arna’oot, and they judged 3% of the book as weak and with This result indicates that it has reached a high degree of validity, and the hadiths are distributed in nineteen (books) except for the introductions. The book includes several chapters, the number of which varies according to their subject matter, and the chapters are numbered in sequential order from the beginning of the book to its end, totaling three hundred and seventy-two chapters. It is divided into books as follows:Introductions (83 chapters)Literature book (16 chapters)Food Literature Book (17 chapters)Dress book (10 chapters)Sleep and Lie Etiquette Book (4 Chapters)The Book of Peace (13 chapters)The patient clinic book (22 chapters)Travel Etiquette Book (14 chapters)The Book of Virtues (52 chapters)The Book of Itikaf (Chapter One)The Book of Hajj (one chapter)The Book of Jihad (7 chapters)The Book of Knowledge (one chapter)The Book of Praise and Thanksgiving to God Almighty (Chapter One)The Book of Prayers for the Messenger of God, may God bless him and grant him peace (Chapter One)The Book of Remembrances (6 chapters)The Book of Invocations (4 chapters)The Book of Prohibited Matters (116 chapters)The Book of Manthurat and Salt (one chapter)The Book of Forgiveness (two chapters)